You’re ready to step into the next chapter of your life with confidence and freedom.

I’m here to help you get there!

You’ve been guided here for a reason.

Deep down you know you’re meant for more.

The next highest version of yourself is waiting… Are you ready to meet her?

“Let go of who you think you’re supposed to be;
embrace who you are.”

- Brené Brown

Hey there, I’m Melissa.

Melissa Hart is a Certified Life Coach and Spiritual Mentor for women ready to reignite their passions, reclaim their identities, and reshape their futures with confidence and purpose following life's tumultuous changes.

After 30 years of unwavering devotion to Evangelical Christianity, Melissa underwent a full and total deconstruction of her faith in 2019. What followed was a season of living fully immersed in woke ideology and hookup culture. 

When God started calling her back, no one was more surprised than her. The return was slow and painful at times. But the deep Union with God she found on the other side changed everything.

Melissa is a dog mom to my beagle mix Major Payne, a Pilates & paddle boarding enthusiast and overall personal growth junkie.

1:1 Coaching


Braving the Unknown Through Life’s Toughest Transitions

Signature Program Offering

Step Bravely Into the Next Chapter of Your Life

It’s time to make a change.
Don’t wait any longer to finally have the life you’ve been longing for.